Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sky Beyond the Couds

If the world seems to be closing in,
Weighed down by a load of sin;
When all seems dark and grim
And the rain seems to never end,
If all is irritating, chaotic and loud,  
Remember, there is sky beyond the clouds,

Vast and clear, bright and pure –
Look up, there is more there to be sure.
When all hope seems gone and lost,
And you’re beaten down, tempest tossed
When grace and love are behind a shroud,
There is sky beyond the clouds.

Majestic, peaceful, sparkling and serene,
It is there, behind the veil, above the screen.
When His providence seems out of reach
And you can’t sense him across the breach,
When the rain of sorrow has you bowed,
He is the Sky beyond the clouds.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Open Letter to Heritage Christian Fellowship

Brothers and sisters,

I know that this is very late and long overdue, since we have lived in Florida almost three months.  It has been so long in coming because I didn’t think I could have proper perspective on everything until now.  Who knows, maybe I still don’t.  For someone who doesn’t cry easily, it has been difficult for me to not tear up, even now writing this.

Anyway, I could never fully articulate my personal thankfulness to God for the body of Heritage Christian Fellowship and the deep friendships I and my family have developed there over the past 9 years – and beyond.  I cannot contain my gratitude that God would grant Danielle and me salvation and all that goes with it under the preaching ministry of Pastor Tim, as he taught through the book of James, all those years ago!

My heart overflows and is humbled that God would use Pastor Shaan and Carrol James to the degree that he has in Danielle and my spiritual formation early on and throughout the last 9 years. 
I also praise God for the love, guidance, and godliness and friendship of pastors Brandon, Richard, Harry and Terry over the years. 

We were overwhelmed (and still am) by the love of Christ through so many at the memorial service for Danielle’s  grandmother, Polly a few years ago…Blown away by so many who were so quick to jump in and help, and sing and  encourage and cook.

I am blown away by the love and ministry of so many in the body of Christ at Heritage who have ministered selflessly and joyfully to my entire family.  I am encouraged and edified by the godly examples we had surrounding us day in and day out.  I cannot name every name of all who have blessed our family and even now continue to do so.

Danielle and I have also been privileged to minister to and alongside everyone there.  I am so thankful and greatly humbled to have had the many opportunities to teach, serve, learn and grow alongside you all.  We have been extremely blessed to have shared in trials, afflictions, good times and bad times with many saints at Heritage.  The laughter and the tears, as well as great discussion about things of the Lord, the many bible studies, and being part each other’s lives have been tremendous blessings to us as well.  The fellowship has been sweeter than we could even imagine.  God has been so gracious to us in so many ways I can’t even begin to count them all!  The many friendships that God has brought into our lives will carry through, even though location has changed.

I praise God for the elders’ desire to hold firmly to the Truth that God has revealed in Scripture and the determination to teach and preach it boldly and unashamedly, yet patiently and lovingly.  Thank you for instilling this in the Ferreri family!

I also want to thank Rich and Suzy for their great hospitality and love and friendship in hosting our going-away party and the many other fellowships we attended at their home.  I’ll even miss Suzy giving me a hard time every I said “yep!” or amen to a particularly profound point during Tim’s sermons!  I could go on and on, but will stop for now.  Again, there is no way I could ever express our love, joy and gratitude for all that the Lord has done through HCF in our lives over the years.
The deep and profound love of Christ through Heritage in our lives has been truly life-changing.  HCF has always been and will continue to be “home” for us.  We pray for God’s continued blessing and favor upon the body of Heritage in your ministering to each other and to the community around you.  May God continue to be glorified in the love, fellowship and ministry of Heritage Christian Fellowship!  

We love you all dearly and miss you immensely!

In Christ’s love,
Greg, Danielle, Matt, Jake and Joey Ferreri

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The relentless march of long slow hours -
What do we have? What is this fate of ours?
We drown in an ever-flowing sea of fun.
Is that all there is - frolicking in the sun?

With endless toys and games we are smitten.
Underneath, Death is always hidden.
We avert our gaze from the grand and ugly fact.
Hours and days seem slow, no need to act.

But the truth cannot be so easily hid-
Paint, drugs and blind hope will not rid.
Deceptive and evil are the minutes and seconds
Before we know it, the end inevitably beckons.

Twenty years, a blink of an eye, decades history.
Caught off guard, we marvel at the mystery.
But what do we do to redeem the days?
What can last, when all else fades away?

The days and weeks and months and years
Gone.  We are left with our own weakness and fears.
We look back, where did it all go?
We thought we had forever, what did we know.

Walking dead men, our days we fritter away. 
But there is no doubt, we all return to clay.
Fractured, cracked and broken, we live our lives.
Fighting against where time ultimately drives.

Only through One can we triumph over Death.
Only through Him can we live past our final breath.
He alone has conquered the cold lonely grave.
It is only in Him can our dreary lives be saved.

His life covers our weak and pale attempt.
His death instead of ours, we are exempt.
Rising from the grave removes death's sting.
What love untold, what eternal blessing brings.