Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stony Heart, Frozen Soul

Grace and riches lavished upon me,
Still so often I'm blind and will not see;
Mercy vast and love untold,
Still onto sin and anger I often hold.

Death of death upon that Cross,
I want more, cries my flesh of dross.
My stony heart, Oh so cold
Still onto pride and ambition I hold.

Unspeakable treasures for eternity mine,
But a soul so bitter I often find.
Forgiven much by that Work of Old, 
Still onto resentment my hands do hold.

All my crimes cast into the deepest deep,
Still, with others does my ire does seep
Oh! How given to threaten and scold
Forgetting the One to whom all I owe.

War rages within the deepest part,
Oft downcast, discouraged, scared to start.
May my love, delight and gratitude forever be
set upon Him, who shed his blood to rescue me.
Break and work to melt my frozen soul,
To be warmed to that love forever to behold!