Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Wandering, lost but not knowing.
34 years all on my own strength.
Proud, puffed up--wind blowing.
Not a thought for my next breath.

Then came sweet grace and mercy
The likes of which I'd never seen.
Light shining in a darkened place.
Now great praises, I've seen his face.

Yet, often struggles and fights,
Heart tending to wander away from truth.
Wallowing in muck, away from the light.
Tending toward the folly of my youth.

The great ease of sin is shocking.
My actions and thoughts mocking.
Such a stiff neck; a stubborn fool.
Without trying, rebelling your rule.

Wandering, feeding on dust.
Entertaining and serving lust.
Starving without even a thought.
Faith ignoring what you bought.

Satisfied to wallow in the mire.
All the while, about to expire.
Oh - who will help me to see,
that this can't last, it cannot be?

But grace is greater and vast!
Pulling me out of dense fog at last!
The purchase much more stable,
For he who is far more able!

The darkness once again swallowed by light.
Behold, not by innate strength or might.
In my shallow weakness and frail frame, 
Another's strength has wrought, never to be the same.

Oh-keep my fickle heart under your wings.
May you be that for which my mouth sings!
Your love and strength are beyond my days,
You shall keep me shouting your praise!

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