If I could write a song, I would like it to be just like this one.
Can't you feel it in your bones
Something isn't right here
Something that you've always known
But you don't know why
'Cause every time the sun goes down
We face another night here
Waiting for the world to spin around
Just to survive
But when you see the morning sun
Burning through a silver mist
Don't you want to thank someone?
Don't you want to thank someone for this?
Don't you ever wonder why
In spite of all that's wrong here
There's still so much that goes so right
And beauty abounds?
'Cause sometimes when you walk outside
The air is full of song here
The thunder rolls and the baby sighs
And the rain comes down
And when you see the spring has come
And it warms you like a mother's kiss
Don't you want to thank someone?
Don't you want to thank someone for this?
I used to be a little boy
As golden as a sunrise
Breaking over Illinois
When the corn was tall
Yeah, but every little boy grows up
And he's haunted by the heart that died
Longing for the world that was
Before the Fall
Oh, but then forgiveness comes
A grace that I cannot resist
And I just want to thank someone
I just want to thank someone for this
Now I can see the world is charged
It's glimmering with promises
Written in a script of stars
Dripping from prophets' lips
But still, my thirst is never slaked
I am hounded by a restlessness
Eaten by this endless ache
But still I will give thanks for this
'Cause I can see it in the seas of wheat
I can feel it when the horses run
It's howling in the snowy peaks
It's blazing in the midnight sun
Just behind a veil of wind
A million angels waiting in the wings
A swirling storm of cherubim
Making ready for the Reckoning
Oh, how long, how long?
Oh, sing on, sing on
And when the world is new again
And the children of the King
Are ancient in their youth again
Maybe it's a better thing
A better thing
To be more than merely innocent
But to be broken then redeemed by love
Maybe this old world is bent
But it's waking up
And I'm waking up
'Cause I can hear the voice of one
He's crying in the wilderness
"Make ready for the Kingdom Come"
Don't you want to thank someone for this?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallalujah! Hallelujah!
Come back soon
Come back soon
(words by Andrew Peterson)
to Thy cross i cling
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (Galatians 6:14 ESV)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Traffic jams, sea of cars.
Snapshots of faces, futile and lost.
Some young, some old.
Some young who look old.
Worn. Hope and
dreams hanging on.
A life lived encapsulated in one drive.
Muddling through.
Thoughtless. Blurry.
Breaking down, looking for traction.
Stop and go. Heat
and sweat.
I awake. That's not me. I’m alive. Rescued.
United by faith.
Strength and direction.
Engine running now.
Moving faster.
Power and life. Full
not empty.
Traffic jams, sea of cars.
Face shining, found and useful.
Outside growing old.
Fading. Inside growing new.
Finding rest. Hope
and dreams bright and sure.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Christ Has Loved Us
I thought this quote was fabulous and gives us a great and majestic glimpse into the love of Christ. May this love increasingly characterize me!
"There is no other solution to the marvellous mysteries of His Incarnation and Sacrificial Death but this: Christ has loved us.
There is not a circumstance of our Lord’s history which is not another form or manifestation of love.
His incarnation is love stooping.
His sympathy is love weeping.
His compassion is love supporting.
His grace is love acting.
His teaching is the voice of love.
His silence is the repose of love.
His patience is the restraint of love.
His obedience is the labor of love.
His suffering is the travail of love.
His cross is the altar of love.
His death is the burnt offering of love.
His resurrection is the triumph of love.
His ascension into heaven is the enthronement of love.
His sitting down at the right hand of God is the intercession of love.
Such is the deep, the vast, the boundless ocean of Christ’s love!"
— Octavius Winslow
"There is no other solution to the marvellous mysteries of His Incarnation and Sacrificial Death but this: Christ has loved us.
There is not a circumstance of our Lord’s history which is not another form or manifestation of love.
His incarnation is love stooping.
His sympathy is love weeping.
His compassion is love supporting.
His grace is love acting.
His teaching is the voice of love.
His silence is the repose of love.
His patience is the restraint of love.
His obedience is the labor of love.
His suffering is the travail of love.
His cross is the altar of love.
His death is the burnt offering of love.
His resurrection is the triumph of love.
His ascension into heaven is the enthronement of love.
His sitting down at the right hand of God is the intercession of love.
Such is the deep, the vast, the boundless ocean of Christ’s love!"
— Octavius Winslow
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Stony Heart, Frozen Soul
Grace and riches lavished upon me,
Still so often I'm blind and will not see;
Mercy vast and love untold,
Still onto sin and anger I often hold.
Death of death upon that Cross,
I want more, cries my flesh of dross.
My stony heart, Oh so cold
Still onto pride and ambition I hold.
Unspeakable treasures for eternity mine,
But a soul so bitter I often find.
Forgiven much by that Work of Old,
Still onto resentment my hands do hold.
All my crimes cast into the deepest deep,
Still, with others does my ire does seep
Oh! How given to threaten and scold
Forgetting the One to whom all I owe.
War rages within the deepest part,
Oft downcast, discouraged, scared to start.
May my love, delight and gratitude forever be
set upon Him, who shed his blood to rescue me.
Break and work to melt my frozen soul,
To be warmed to that love forever to behold!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Disagreement Does Not Equal Bigotry
There was a time in this country when people could hold
differing ideas and merely disagree without being called names. There was a time when the marketplace of
ideas bubbled with vibrancy and excitement; many ideas were allowed at the table.
That time is gone. We are living
in a culture that tolerates ideas and thoughts, so long as they fit into a
politically correct framework. My aim
here is not to expose some grand conspiracy or even change minds on the issues
of homosexuality or gay marriage. My
goal is not even to give a full biblical account on homosexuality. It is humbler,
simpler, less audacious and grand. My
goal is merely to demonstrate that not everyone who disagrees with the homosexual
agenda is bigoted, hate-filled and mean-spirited.
I will lay all my cards on the table. I am a Christian. I believe the Bible to be authoritative,
true, clear, infallible and sufficient for life and godliness. Again, my goal here isn’t to prove or even to
defend this. I will say this, the bible
teaches that ALL have sinned and are separated from God, under his judgment and
doomed to eternity separated from Him.
The bible teaches that the only way to remedy this situation is to
believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died in my place. It teaches that I am united to Jesus by faith
and am reconciled to God. This is true
whether one identifies as homosexual or not.
ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. This is the foundation and cornerstone of my
belief system.
Some may ask, why homosexuality? Why are Christians so up in arms over this? Again the bible clearly teaches that
homosexuality is a sin. I will simply
list a few passages that show this.
Or do you not know that
the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:
neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who
practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor
revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Romans 1 is a remarkable
chapter that leaves everyone without excuse before God. Here is a small section:
For this reason God gave
them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations
for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural
relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men
committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty
for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave
them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
(Romans 1:26-28 ESV)
So again, what is the
big deal? Why don’t we hear about Christians “hating” drunkards or greedy
people? The issue is not one of hate or
bigotry. The issue is that homosexuality
is banging on the door of the church demanding to be let in and upheld as
normal…demanding to make the church redefine sin. The last time I checked, there was not a
movement of adulterers or drunkards doing this.
I understand that we live in an increasingly secular world. I get it.
But this is why homosexuality is an issue. I will say again, the goal here is not
necessarily to change minds concerning the issue. Finding “The Answer” is not in the scope of
this essay. Certainly, there exists in
this world bigots, and people filled with fear and hate toward
homosexuals. Christians who believe and
understand the bible as objective truth do not fall into this camp simply
because they believe the bible. They
merely have a differing view and opinion based on a different authority.
Calling someone who disagrees with
homosexuality a bigot is along the same order as calling someone who disagrees
with the policies of the president a racist.
It is intellectually dishonest and is not helpful to the
discussion. It only serves to
marginalize the one who disagrees and dismiss them as irrelevant and backwards. This is not enlightenment. When someone who holds to biblical beliefs
concerning the issue is effectively disallowed from running from public office1,
aren’t we doing to one group the very thing we accuse them of doing? When a sportscaster is fired from his job
after one day for expressing his beliefs on this issue two years prior, there
is a problem 2. This issue IS
a big deal. Who are the ones filled with
hate? Biblical Christians are not
bigoted for believing and expressing what they believe. In fact I sincerely know not one Christian
who hates or bashes homosexuals in any way.
We are all sinners in need of the grace of God. My hope is that this might be a small voice
of reason in an otherwise chaotic landscape.
Lobbing irrational bombs across the aisle with accusations of hate and
bigotry is not the answer and only marginalizes and undermines those with other
beliefs. Can rational, intelligent,
grace filled discussions exist, or are we doomed to a future of Orwellian
political correctness? My hope is for the
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Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sky Beyond the Couds
If the world seems to be closing in,
Weighed down by a load of sin;
When all seems dark and grim
And the rain seems to never end,
If all is irritating, chaotic and loud,
Remember, there is sky beyond the clouds,
Vast and clear, bright and pure –
Look up, there is more there to be sure.
When all hope seems gone and lost,
And you’re beaten down, tempest tossed
When grace and love are behind a shroud,
There is sky beyond the clouds.
Majestic, peaceful, sparkling and serene,
It is there, behind the veil, above the screen.
When His providence seems out of reach
And you can’t sense him across the breach,
When the rain of sorrow has you bowed,
He is the Sky beyond the clouds.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Open Letter to Heritage Christian Fellowship
Brothers and sisters,
I know that this is very late and long overdue, since we have lived in Florida almost three months. It has been so long in coming because I didn’t think I could have proper perspective on everything until now. Who knows, maybe I still don’t. For someone who doesn’t cry easily, it has been difficult for me to not tear up, even now writing this.
Anyway, I could never fully articulate my personal thankfulness to God for the body of Heritage Christian Fellowship and the deep friendships I and my family have developed there over the past 9 years – and beyond. I cannot contain my gratitude that God would grant Danielle and me salvation and all that goes with it under the preaching ministry of Pastor Tim, as he taught through the book of James, all those years ago!
My heart overflows and is humbled that God would use Pastor Shaan and Carrol James to the degree that he has in Danielle and my spiritual formation early on and throughout the last 9 years.
I also praise God for the love, guidance, and godliness and friendship of pastors Brandon, Richard, Harry and Terry over the years.
We were overwhelmed (and still am) by the love of Christ through so many at the memorial service for Danielle’s grandmother, Polly a few years ago…Blown away by so many who were so quick to jump in and help, and sing and encourage and cook.
I am blown away by the love and ministry of so many in the body of Christ at Heritage who have ministered selflessly and joyfully to my entire family. I am encouraged and edified by the godly examples we had surrounding us day in and day out. I cannot name every name of all who have blessed our family and even now continue to do so.
Danielle and I have also been privileged to minister to and alongside everyone there. I am so thankful and greatly humbled to have had the many opportunities to teach, serve, learn and grow alongside you all. We have been extremely blessed to have shared in trials, afflictions, good times and bad times with many saints at Heritage. The laughter and the tears, as well as great discussion about things of the Lord, the many bible studies, and being part each other’s lives have been tremendous blessings to us as well. The fellowship has been sweeter than we could even imagine. God has been so gracious to us in so many ways I can’t even begin to count them all! The many friendships that God has brought into our lives will carry through, even though location has changed.
I praise God for the elders’ desire to hold firmly to the Truth that God has revealed in Scripture and the determination to teach and preach it boldly and unashamedly, yet patiently and lovingly. Thank you for instilling this in the Ferreri family!
I also want to thank Rich and Suzy for their great hospitality and love and friendship in hosting our going-away party and the many other fellowships we attended at their home. I’ll even miss Suzy giving me a hard time every I said “yep!” or amen to a particularly profound point during Tim’s sermons! I could go on and on, but will stop for now. Again, there is no way I could ever express our love, joy and gratitude for all that the Lord has done through HCF in our lives over the years.
The deep and profound love of Christ through Heritage in our lives has been truly life-changing. HCF has always been and will continue to be “home” for us. We pray for God’s continued blessing and favor upon the body of Heritage in your ministering to each other and to the community around you. May God continue to be glorified in the love, fellowship and ministry of Heritage Christian Fellowship!
We love you all dearly and miss you immensely!
In Christ’s love,
Greg, Danielle, Matt, Jake and Joey Ferreri
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